
گروه صنعتی شیشه کاویان جام

The speech of the manager of Kavian Jaam Glass Industrial Group

We have got an opportunity to make our words a reality.

I, Rezazadeh, in the role of manager of Kavian Jam Glass Industrial Group, have always followed the beliefs, values ​​and principles that have been formed in the direction of being the best. These beliefs reflect all of our management philosophy. They show the fields and boundaries that the designers and specialists of Kavian Jam Glass Industrial Group use.

And today, competent employees and the satisfaction of my customers are considered my most important assets.

The most key activity of the Kavian Jam Glass Industrial Group is to produce products in line with the customer’s mentality, and I believe that customers have a language that speaks to them.

Winning or losing does not depend on the tricks of the game or the use of new politics every week. The competition is based on the information that we have, the expression of the victory of Kavian Glass Industrial Group is the cup of preparation and motivation, which in the form of a team has got the opportunity to make its words come true.

Kavian Glass Industrial Group has a common will to reach a common goal, and that is product production in line with the customer’s mentality. He presents the most appropriate ones to the buyers and confidently tells them: Kavian Jam glass is your best choice, you make Kavian Jaam!

In the end, I wish that the efforts and experiences of Kavian Jaam Glass Industrial Group, which is offered in most of the products, can help the industrial and manufacturing society of Iran in a rise and economic movement and contribute to the construction of our country.

God bless you.

Hossein Rezazadeh

The speech of the manager of Kavian Jaam Glass Industrial Group

Kavian Jaam Glass Industrial Group

Director’s speech: Kavian Jaam Glass Industrial Group

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